100 KM Coffees with Rebecca Danicic
I was on LinkedIn and noticed an interesting group called 100 KM Coffees.
I requested to join the group to see what type of digital water cooler it was and was glad I joined.
The creator Rebecca Danicic created the group for KM Professionals and KM job seekers to showcase diverse applications of KM in various contexts, and to be able to share takeaways from her interviews/virtual coffee meetings.
I had the privilege to have a virtual cup of coffee (I actually had the House Blend from The Cannon Bean roastery in an American Press style) with Rebecca and had a great time talking about Knowledge Management and coffee.
Over the course of an hour there were four major questions that Rebecca asked me from our conversation which included:
- How consultants can embed solutions which would live on after the consultants has left the organization?
- Does fostering a “learning culture” require a flattening of hierarchy?
- How can Knowledge Management affect decisions within an organization?
- How did I get started in the coffee business?
Rebecca posted her outcomes from our conversation on the 100 KM Coffees where I hope you stop buy and take a look around and connect with others within the Knowledge Management community.
This experience with Rebecca reenforces my belief in communities of practice and community of interest. If you are interested in starting up your own community of practice or community of interest within your organization, please feel free to reach out.